The program

How it works

Apply icon


Interested bars can fill out the application form and begin the process to achieve accreditation.

Get accredited icon


Applicant bars follow a Checklist covering a wide range of issues that well-managed premises should be aware of and address. The accreditation process includes an evaluation of written policy and staff training, a physical assessment of the room and an interview by trained assessors.

Stay accredited icon


Best Bar None bars are re-accredited annually to ensure the standard is consistently met. A BBN-accredited bar will demonstrate its continuing commitment to providing top-notch service in a well-managed and safer environment, encouraging guests to return.

Best Bar None is the property of City Safe, Greater Manchester Police. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced without prior permission solely by public bodies and operators of licensed premises implementing Best Bar None practices. It may not be reproduced for commercial profit. The contents may not be changed without the express permission of the British Institute of Inn-Keeping (BII), UK.
Best Bar None is used with permission in Alberta, Canada by the AGLC. AGLC acknowledges the development of this program by the Greater Manchester Police and the generosity and cooperation of the National (UK) BBN Board and the British Institute of Inn-Keeping (BII), UK. In Alberta, the Best Bar None Program is endorsed by the Alberta Safer Bars Council, membership comprised of community, government and regulatory stakeholders across the province including industry representatives.